Find exactly who you are looking for

Are you looking for the right man or woman for your company? A new Automan who will bring a breath of fresh air and who will fill the position with his or her personal leadership skills? An experienced professional joining your team for a project or extended absence of a colleague? Someone with the right track record to help set up the route as a board member? Automan knows which direction to make and willl find you a suiting candidate.

  • Recruitment of middle or higher ranking professionals
  • Executive Search (Board members, Executive Management, Senior Management and specialists)
  • Interim Professionals (for example, Sales, Marketing, Engineering, R&D)
  • Interim-management (tailor-made solutions for every unique situation)


Finding the right candidate is not only a matter of having the right credentials or talent. There must be a match, professionally and personally. This is why we invest a lot of time in getting to know our candidates. And -in turn- we get to know your company. We will only start looking for a candidate when we have a clear picture of your organisation, of its plans, ambitions and culture. Together, we will determine which challenge the new Automan awaits within your company. We will find out what he or she must have to offer and whether he or she is made out of the right stuff. Or better yet, of which steel he or she is made of. And above all, what kind of personality you are expecting. Surely, it would be nice to have a connection with your new colleague right away.

Our clients genuinely consider Automan as a partner in business. This partnership is preferably based on a long-term relationship. That is what we are going for. And because we think a relationship should be pleasant, we treat each other in a business-friendly way. Professionals, clients and entrepreneurs alike. Automen amongst each other.

Consultancy and company search

Automan brings people together. We bring professionals and companies together. We also connect companies with interesting business partners and specialists. At consultancy, coaching and training events for example. Or at a management buy in or buy out.

The AUTOMAN Network

Special and interesting connections are made through the Automan Network. A unique and exclusive community for professionals, companies and partners who want to grow, exchange experiences and knowledge. For Automen who want to spread their wings!